Outreach Materials
NTIMC has limited supplies of the following outreach materials available for TIM partners who are promoting the National Unified Goal for Traffic Incident Management. To request these materials, contact Brett Graves at gravesb@saic.com.
- NUG Tri-fold Brochure. Provides a quick overview of the NUG, lists the 18 strategies, and NTIMC members that have endorsed the NUG.
- NUG Bookmark. Good for raising awareness; contains the 18 NUG strategies.
The following materials may be downloaded and duplicated.
NUG Launch Materials
NUG Launch Press Release
NUG Launch Speakers and Organizations
Traffic Incident Facts
Unifying Incident Response. Co-authored by NTIMC Chair John Corbin and Kimberly Vasconez and David Helman of the FHWA, this article in the September/October 2007 issue of Public Roads magazine explains the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to traffic incident management and the significance of the National Unified Goal.
Technical Briefs
NTIMC's five technical briefs, written in 2006 by expert panels to support the development of NUG, provide an overview of key topics in traffic incident management.
Lane Designation Terminology
Benefits of Traffic Incident Management
Prompt, Reliable Incident Communications
Responder Safety
Safe, Quick Clearance
Example Strategies for Building Stronger State TIM Programs