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Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Several Coalition members convened at the American Trucking Association offices in May 2008 to develop a strategic plan to guide Coalition activities over the next five years. On September 30, 2008, the full Coalition reviewed and approved the draft final plan. Highlights of the plan are provided below. A full-length plan also is available for review.


  1. Promote and support the successful development and conduct of local, regional, and statewide traffic incident management programs through peer networking, mentoring, and knowledge exchange among public safety and transportation professionals.
  2. Provide leadership in the development of multi-disciplinary best practices, guides, standards, and performance measures in support of sound traffic incident management activities.
  3. Develop and recommend appropriate research problem statements for referral to one or more Coalition partners to take advantage of multiple research avenues.
  4. Develop a delivery mechanism for NTIMC products, including the NUG, across the Nation.