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FHWA Releases 2009 TIM Self Assessment Results. On January 28, 2010, Jeffrey Lindley, FHWA Associate Administrator for Operations, issued a memo announcing the 2009 TIM Self Assessment Results and the self assessment schedule for 2010. A full-length report is also available.

FHWA NUG Webinar Presentation Available.  On February 24, 2010, FHWA hosted a webinar on the National Unified Goal (NUG) for Traffic Incident Management (TIM) and how to integrate the implementation strategies into State and local TIM programs.  The presentation from that webinar is available here.

FHWA Launches TIM Performance Measurement Knowledgebase and LISTSERV. These new tools offer transportation professionals complementary and convenient ways to share and exchange knowledge and materials on program-level TIM performance measures. The Knowledgebase and be found at Subscribe to the LISTSERV by emailing and entering SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

FHWA Provides an Update on the TIM Focus State Initiative.This fact sheet reports on the progress that 11 TIM Focus States have made in developing and testing consensus-based, multi-agency, or “program-level” performance measures for TIM. Achievements include agreement on common definitions for three core TIM performance measures – incident clearance, roadway clearance, and secondary crashes.

TIM Stakeholders Affirm National Unified Goal (NUG) for Traffic Incident Management in Survey. More than 200 multi-disciplinary practitioners responded to a December 2009 web-based survey by the TIM Network. One hundred percent of respondents affirmed the value of the NUG. Find out more about what practitioners are saying about the NUG and TIM here.

NTIMC and Transportation Safety Advancement Group (TSAG) Brief USDOT Executives. This summary describes NTIMC and TSAG activities since the last briefing and highlights USDOT’s priorities, which include TIM performance measurement, capitalizing on social networks, the use of CLARUS, the need for additional research on center-to-center (TMC-to-EOC) interoperability opportunities and needs, and the planned "Toward Zero Deaths" initiative white papers.

Join the TIM Network! Aimed at TIM Program Managers and field-level practitioners, the TIM Network facilitates exchange of best practices, and input of real-world perspectives into TIM policy development activities and research. Click here to join!

Upcoming Events

Meeting Calendar. Update your calendars and stay abreast of key meetings with this quick reference list of all TIM-related events hosted by NTIMC partner organizations.

National Unified Goal (NUG) Summit. September 21-22, 2010 in Baltimore.  Stay tuned for more information!

SHRP II TIM Training Pilot Tests (Spring 2010). The Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) will pilot test a stakeholder-developed, multi-disciplinary TIM training curriculum designed for use by State and local TIM programs across the country. Pilot tests will take place at two locations in the Spring of 2010 (March 29 - April 1 in Indiana and May 10 - 13 in Georgia). Stay tuned for more information on this valuable resource for TIM programs across the country.