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State and Local Training

State and Local TIM Training

New Jersey / Pennsylvania (Delaware Valley Region)

The I-295/I-76/NJ 42 Incident Management Task Force held an Incident Management Training Seminar on February 28th, 2006. Representatives of each discipline (Fire Department/EMS, NJDOT, NJ State Police, Towing, and DRPA) gave their perspective on traffic incident management. For more information, contact Laurie Matkowski, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, 215-238-2853.

Texas (North Central Texas COG)

The North Central Texas Council of Governments in Arlington, TX offers a 16-hour course for TIM Responders and Managers, which is taught by local police, fire, wrecker and transportation personnel to other responders and managers. For more information, ontact Phillis L. Lowery, Regional Training Center Coordinator, 817-608-2310 or e-mail plowery@nctcog.org

Virginia Department of Transportation

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has developed courses for TIM responders in Virginia (fire/EMS, law enforcement, public works, transportation, towing, etc.). The courses cover TIM benefits; national TIM best practices; NIMS and ICS; relationship of ITS technology to TIM; how to create or enhance a TIM program; advanced TIM issues; State codes relating to TIM; how to conduct a post-incident analysis; and references, resources, and links. An advanced course (16 hours), intermediate course (12 hours) and first responder course (8 hours) are offered, and the courses are tailored to fit specific needs. For more information, contact Jeff C. Fox, Incident Management Program Manager, VDOT (804-371-2980 or e-mail jeff.fox@vdot.virginia.gov .


Georgia DOT's HERO Program (Highway Emergency Response Operators) is one of the leading service patrol programs in the nation. The HERO Student Training Manual is a useful resource for other State DOT's that are starting service patrols or that want to improve the training they offer their service patrol operators.